The economic crisis has deeply modified consumer’s behaviors.
Middle range brands are not their prefered choice anymore, as low cost and retailers’ owned brands have greatly improved their standards.
- Which benefits and values should premium products offer and convey?
- How could they successfully enter this segment ?
- How could they legitimate this positioning and emerge from their competitors?
- How could they lead their market?
The premium market is about difference, preference and strong added value.
It is a really complex and constantly evolving market, where emerging from competitors and lasting are daily challenges.
PREMIUMHMM!!! is the very first study from the PERSPECTIVES series. It analyses all codes and trends of the premium products within the food and drinks industry by analyzing more than 5,000 ads and packs from all over the world.
Through an unique mix of marketing, sociology, semiotics, and visual analysis, PREMIUMHMM!!! reveals the deep, recent and emerging trends that structure and will structure the premium category. 34 different universes and various expression territories to (re) discover.